If you care about making healthy and environment-friendly choices, check out EWG-verified sunscreens: https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/ewg-verified-sunscreen
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a community 30 million strong, working to protect our environmental health by changing industry standards.
Live Activities on the Lock Screen/Dynamic Island
As of version 2.16, users can now see ongoing sessions on the Lock Screen and/or Dynamic Island.
Stability issues after iOS upgrades
UPDATE 6/12/2023: the crashes have been fixed as of the 2.14 release from June 1, 2023. Thanks for your patience!
I’ve been made aware of some crashes reported by a few users. Actively looking into the issue. Apologies for the frustrations caused by it
Daylight Savings issue
Today by accident I discovered that Daylight Savings knocked out one hour from the Start/End time picker controls in Sola, with crippling effects on usability. This only happens once a year in the spring when we lose one hour to Daylight Savings. Will deploy the fix soon. In the meantime, apologies to all users who experienced the issue.
Stability issues with Apple Weather
There were some crashes reported caused by Apple Weather API calls, had to roll back this functionality until the root cause is identified and resolved. Latest release is version 2.10
UPDATE 2023-03-09: a fix has been deployed
New version 2.9 of Sola released
Just released a new version of Sola featuring a more robust source of UV index forecast data provided by Weather.
How Sola can help prevent skin cancer
Sola got another review in Apps to Detect Skin Cancer Melanoma Early by App Pearl. While Sola is not designed to detect skin cancer, it will definitely help you minimize the risk of UV over-exposure, which is one of the main causes of melanoma.
Sola featured in Best Health Apps
Sola got a review by the wonderful team at Free Apps for Me, a professional app review site. You can read the article here: Best Health Apps.
Vitamin D Tracking
Added a new feature to the app that tracks vitamin D production. If you haven’t downloaded the app, give it a try – first week FREE!
Affected users who purchased version 1.25
Update 3/2/2021: this has been fixed. Users should be able to restore their purchases now.
Users who purchased version 1.25 are presented with a paywall screen and cannot restore their purchases. I have just released a fix and Apple should be approving it within the next few hours. Once the release is approved, affected users will be able to restore their previous purchase. Apologies for the inconvenience!