Android version of Sola

Some news I wanted to share – started building an Android version of the Sola Sun UV Calculator and Timer. Meanwhile, if you own an iPhone, make sure to download my app if you want to manage your suntan experience and avoid sunburns.

UPDATE 6/1/2023: Unfortunately, I haven’t had enough time to invest in the Android version. In talks about potentially outsourcing the development for the other platform

Get Sola Sun UV Calculator / Timer for $.99

Get Sola Sun UV Calculator / Timer for $.99 before the price increases in the upcoming season.

Sola is the app that takes the guesswork out of understanding how much sun exposure you are getting, whether you want to minimize UV intake from sunlight, or optimize sunburn-free tanning time.

Target release – May 1, 2019

Things are looking good in terms of bug fixes and enhancements, targeting May 1st, 2019, as a release date in App Store. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Things always go to plan, right? Well, there’s been some delay, but hopefully not too long. Stay tuned!